TransDermal Silver
Natural Antibacterial, Antiviral and Antifungal.
Kills even antibiotic-resistant bugs.
Purest ingredients, effective mix of Silver
Natural Antibacterial, Antiviral and Antifungal.
Kills even antibiotic-resistant bugs.
Purest ingredients, effective mix of Silver

Effectively Kills Bacteria, Viruses and Fungi Without Side Effects! Silver has been known for its germ-killing properties for centuries. It was the antibiotic treatment used by thousands of medical doctors, prior to 1938. It was the only effective tool to kill infections. After antibiotic drugs were discovered, Silver was pushed aside.
Hypocrites, the ""Father of Medicine"" used Silver for wound healing. Ancient Greeks and Romans used Silver to kill bodily infections and prevent food spoilage. The King of Persia used Silver containers to carry water to prevent contamination.
Failing Antibiotics Antibiotics have been overused and misused for flu and other viral infections that don't respond to antibiotics. They're also abused on farms to keep crowded animals from infections and to gain weight faster.
Now after decades of overuse, antibiotics are losing their effectiveness. "Superbugs" are growing fast. Big pharmaceutical companies have shifted their research and development to more profitable drugs. Some germs are resistant to all available drugs... except for Colloidal Silver.
Silver to the Rescue
- effective against over 650 different infectious microorganisms
- boost to your immune system, by lightening it's load when you take Colloidal Silver to kill invading germs
- older people report feeling younger as their declining energies can be diverted to processes other than fighting disease.
- Medical research has shown that Silver promotes more rapid healing with less scar tissue even in the case of severe burns.
- Distilled Water
Silver has been used for over a millennia to prevent sickness and speed recovery. It is a powerful anti bacterial and anti viral. It prevents illness and odors caused by bacteria. It can be used topically and internally.
Used as an internal antibiotic, also antiviral. Helps strengthen the immune system. Great to take daily to reinforce your body against sickness, or in greater doses to help combat an illness. Because silver kills odor causing bacteria, it has many applications.
Directions for Use
Swish 1 teaspoon in your mouth for 30 seconds, 3 times daily. Safe to swallow (and highly recommended). Colloidal Silver is tasteless.
Spray or soak skin infections 3 or more times daily. Allow to naturally evaporate.
Breathe the mist to heal respiratory infections.
Start taking immediately when you feel a cold or flu coming on. Especially helpful for airplane travel, or before entering a hospital.
The best... from finest and purest ingredients. Natural antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal, without side effects! Some germs are resistant to all available drugs... except for Nano Crystalline Silver.